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Texas A&M Chevron Energy Graduate Fellows

Apply Now

The 2025-2026 Texas A&M Chevron Energy Graduate Fellows Awards Application is open until April 15, 2025. Review the call for applications on this page and apply at the link below:


If you have questions, please contact the Texas A&M Energy Institute:

Call for Applications

Chevron Logo: Chevron - the Human Energy Company

The Texas A&M Energy Institute, in partnership with Chevron, is pleased to offer the Texas A&M Chevron Energy Graduate Fellows program, which funds 10 outstanding graduate student researchers from across the Texas A&M campus annually with fellowship awards of $10,000 each.

Funded by Chevron, the fellows program includes mentoring from faculty experts and opportunities to meet with subject matter experts at Chevron. Applications will be accepted from currently enrolled Texas A&M University graduate students from any school or college whose current and active research efforts focus on energy, including policy, technology, science, and societal impacts.

The Texas A&M Chevron Energy Graduate Fellows program is part of Chevron’s University Partnership Program, which supports universities around the country by providing the necessary funding to better develop the future of the energy business.  


  • Must be in good academic standing in their graduate program at Texas A&M University and enrolled at the doctoral (G8) level.
  • Ideally has a current focus on energy research and this program’s identified topics
  • Ideally in the second or third year of a doctoral program.  
  • Must have a minimum of 12 months of coursework and/or research remaining prior to completion of their degree program.
  • Must have been enrolled for longer than six months in their graduate program as of May 31, 2025.

Application Timeline

  • Call for Applications: March 2025
  • Applications Due: April 15, 2025 at 11:59 PM CDT 
  • Fellows Announced: May 16, 2025
  • Program Dates: September 2025 through August 2026

Application Components

Apply using the link on this page or at Chevron Energy Graduate Fellows Application Page.

  • Research Statement
    • PDF format, up to 2 pages.
    • Describing your current research, its alignment to topic(s) below, and your specific activities that you plan to pursue in the next 12 months.
    • Research Statements should be jointly conceived by the applicant and the faculty advisor, but written by the applicant.
  • Curriculum Vitae/Résumé
    • PDF format, up to 2 pages.
  • Letter of Recommendation
    • Submit in PDF format.
    • Letters must come from an Energy Institute Faculty Affiliate and detail the applicant’s strengths and how the applicant’s research potential for the next year and its alignment with topic(s) below.

Selection Process

  • Applications will be reviewed by a committee organized by the Texas A&M Energy Institute that will evaluate candidates based on the strength of the research statement, applicant curriculum vitae/résumé, and recommendation letter. 
  • A committee of Texas A&M faculty and staff members, industry experts (including Chevron), and other qualified experts will evaluate the candidates. 
  • The selection process may require a short oral interview with a select group of semi-finalists (to be conducted online).

Terms of the Award

  • The awards will be administered as one-year fellowship award to the selected students, contingent on maintaining good academic standing.
  • The approximate period of the fellowship is September 2025 through August 2026.
  • Fellows will be expected to engage at least quarterly with Chevron subject matter experts and participate in educational and research engagements organized by the Texas A&M Energy Institute through the year. 
  • Fellows must submit a one-page progress report on a quarterly basis.
  • Students are expected to be making satisfactory academic progress and to be enrolled full-time during the fall/spring semesters.


Competitive applicants may be researching any topic related to energy, but priority will be given to students whose work focuses on scalable innovation in lower carbon-intensity energy solutions, including:

  • Research in current energy systems that will improve/enhance safety, reliability, efficiency, digital transformation, and lower carbon footprint, including the following aspects:
    • Systems integration for high reliability and high efficiency of non-grid connected, lower carbon industrial facilities.  
    • Optimization of diverse energy systems in micro-grids.
    • Disruptive energy systems that can provide 24/7 large-scale power anywhere.
    • Autonomous systems for the construction and operation of industrial facilities, particularly in remote locations.
    • Sustainable policies that lower the uncertainties and remove bottlenecks for businesses and individuals involved in the energy transition.
    • Waste as a resource, particularly waste heat, wastewater, and the by-products of new energy forms.
    • New sustainable sources of materials, particularly minerals, needed for the energy transition.
  • Research in decarbonization focus areas, including carbon utilization (through thermo-/electro-/bio-catalytic pathways), H2 value chain, next-generation renewable fuels including sustainable aviation fuels, and qualification/quantification of carbon offsets. 
  • Research in future energy systems including novel geothermal solutions, energy storage systems, mobility systems, modular nuclear reactors, fusion, etc.

Apply Now

The 2025-2026 Texas A&M Chevron Energy Graduate Fellows Awards Application is open until April 15, 2025. Review the call for applications on this page and apply at the link below:


If you have questions, please contact the Texas A&M Energy Institute: