Hongcai (Joe) Zhou
Chair of the Interdisciplinary Academic Council
Professor and Robert A. Welch Foundation Chair
Department of Chemistry

Mahmoud El-Halwagi
Deputy Chair of the Interdisciplinary Academic Council
Bryan Research and Engineering Chair in Chemical Engineering; Managing Director of TEES Gas and Fuels Research Center; Professor, Artie McFerrin Department of Chemical Engineering

Antony H. Knap
James R. Whatley Endowed Chair in Geosciences; Professor, Department of Oceanography; Director, Geochemical and Environmental Research Group

Bruce A. McCarl
University Distinguished Professor, Regents Professor and Texas AgriLife Faculty Fellow
Department of Agricultural Economics

Raymond Robertson
Director of the Mosbacher Institute for Trade, Economics, and Public Policy, Professor, and Helen and Roy Ryu Chair in Economics and Government

Sorin M. Sorescu
Professor, Executive Associate Dean, and Foreman R. and Ruby Bennett Chair in Business Administration