Energy Issues “Down Under”
The next presentation in the Texas A&M Energy Institute Lecture Series, featuring Dr. Ian Cameron, a Professor of Chemical Engineering at The University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, will be held on Friday, October 27, 2017 from 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. in the Frederick E. Giesecke Engineering Research Building (GERB) Third Floor Conference Room. The topic will be Energy Issues “Down Under.”
In this presentation, I will seek to give you an overview of the current energy issues that challenge Australia’s policy positions and future developments. In doing so, I’ll give a perspective from current energy initiatives at The University of Queensland. This will show a range of approaches to work currently underway, including the international nature of those initiatives.
Specifically, I will also present some early research outcomes around understanding energy utilization and optimization within the Australian steel industry. This is a complex multiscale-hierarchical systems problem. Use of very large-scale multivariate data analysis will be highlighted and discussed. This is providing insight into operational performance over a very large production site. Opportunities and future approaches to enterprise-wide optimization will be presented.
Ian Cameron is a professor in the School of Chemical Engineering at The University of Queensland and an elected Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE). He has chemical engineering degrees from UNSW and the University of Washington. He is a director and principal consultant with Daesim Technologies, Brisbane.
Over a period of 10 years with the CSR Group, he worked in diverse industry sectors such as sugar, building materials, and petrochemicals, having roles in process and control system design, plant commissioning, operations, risk management and environmental protection.
He obtained his Ph.D. and DIC from Imperial College London in the area of Process Systems Engineering (PSE), subsequently working for 9 years as a United Nations (UNIDO) process engineering consultant in Argentina and Turkey. Since coming to The University of Queensland, he has performed industrial focused research on intelligent systems for risk management and process diagnosis, advanced control and system modeling, as well as development and application of virtual reality systems in process systems. His recent work has been with BP and BlueScope Steel on new approaches to hazard identification and enhanced resilience in design. Current BlueScope Steel research is focused on enterprise-wide optimization in steelmaking.