“The circular economy: From theory to policy”
On April 29, 2021, from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. CDT (UTC-05:00) on a Zoom meeting, the Texas A&M Energy Institute will host a seminar by Vasileios Rizos, a Research Fellow and Head of Sustainable Resources and Circular Economy at CEPS, titled “The circular economy: From theory to policy.”
The concept of the circular economy has its roots in various pieces of research from several disciplines that challenge the prevailing economic system based on overconsumption of natural resources. Although there is a debate as to the definition of the concept, the circular economy has gained in recent years increased attention from a global audience, including business leaders, policy-makers and academics. At the European Union level, there is a dedicated strategy on the circular economy since 2015 which was recently renewed. This lecture will first give an introduction to the circular economy concept, its origins and key milestones. It will then focus on policy approaches and instruments that have been adopted in the European Union and beyond. This will be followed by examples of practical implementation of the concept in different value chains.
Vasileios Rizos is a Research Fellow and Head of Sustainable Resources and Circular Economy at CEPS.
He is an expert in various aspects of the circular economy and analyses regulatory and market barriers to the adoption of circular economy practices in Europe and beyond.
Vasileios’ main research areas include circular economy policies, industrial sustainability, green value chains, and resource efficiency indicators. He was co-chair of the Circular Economy Task Force of the Think20 (T20) network that supported G20 activities under the German presidency 2016-17. Between 2016 and 2018 he was the coordinator of the CEPS Task Force on the Role of Business in the Circular Economy that brought together executives from major multinational companies as well as representatives of NGOs and research institutes.
Previously, Vasileios worked in DG Environment at the European Commission and the Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI). He is the lead author of several publications on circular business innovation and policy instruments that can encourage the green market transition.