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A Collaborative Effort Toward a Systems Approach to Building Resilience in Central America

Published: August 20, 2024
Map of Central American countries: El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras
Northern Triangle countries of Central America

North Central American Countries – El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras – are grappling with a perfect storm of interconnected crises, hazards, and vulnerabilities. Climate change, poverty, inequality, and weak governance have converged to create a region acutely vulnerable to disasters. The countries frequently endure hurricanes, floods, and droughts, which have severe impacts on their populations, economies, and infrastructure.

At the heart of these challenges lies a complex interplay between energy, food security, and human mobility. A region heavily reliant on agriculture, with often precarious access to energy, is particularly susceptible to shocks. When disasters strike, these vulnerabilities are amplified, leading to widespread food insecurity, economic losses, and displacement.

Esteemed Texas A&M Energy Institute scientists, Dr. Bassel Daher, Research Scientist, and Dr. Konstantinos Pappas, Assistant Director, both members of the UN Disaster Risk Reduction Office (UNDRR) for the Americas and the Caribbean’s Regional Science and Technology Advisory Group have been at the forefront of an initiative to address these intertwined challenges of energy, food security, and human mobility in the Northern Triangle countries of Central America.

Their collaborative research, culminating in the white paper “A Systems Approach for Disaster Risk Reduction: Exploring the Nexus of Energy, Food, and Human Mobility in the Northern Countries of Central America,” offers a comprehensive analysis of the region’s vulnerabilities and proposes a holistic framework toward building resilience.

United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction: White Paper on A Systems Approach for Disaster Risk Reduction: Exploring the Nexus of Energy, Food, and Human Mobility in the Northern Countries of Central America

The white paper delves deep into the complex interplay between social, economic, and political factors, highlighting how these underlying conditions amplify the impact of hazards and risk drivers, potentially resulting in disasters. It underscores the critical role of energy and food systems in driving migration patterns, especially in the face of climate change and extreme weather events. By adopting a systems approach, Daher and Pappas have shed light on the interconnectedness of these challenges and identified key areas for intervention. Their work can play an instrumental role in informing policymakers and practitioners about the urgent need for integrated solutions that address the root causes of vulnerability.

The research team’s collaboration with Alan Lavell, a fellow member of the UNDRR advisory group, has been essential in shaping the study’s focus and ensuring its relevance to the region’s specific needs. Together, they have developed a framework that can serve as a blueprint for building resilient communities and fostering sustainable development in Central America.

To inform the development of their research, Daher and Pappas led a multi-stakeholder consultation process. This process brought together over forty representatives from UN agencies, local and regional stakeholders, and government officials to discuss the proposed systems framework. The dialogue revealed a shared understanding of the region’s multifaceted challenges, including the overexploitation of land, the dominance of monocultures, and the devastating impact of these practices on vulnerable populations.

Participants emphasized the urgent need for a regulatory framework to protect both people and the environment, as well as the importance of strengthening institutional capacity and governance. They highlighted the disproportionate impact of large-scale agriculture on local communities, leading to resource depletion, migration, and increased vulnerability to disasters.

• Disrupted electricity distribution and production systems • Disruption of livelihoods • Infrastructure damage • Displacement • Damage to livestock, crops, food processing facilities • Decrease in ag. yield • Financial insecurity for farmers and fishermen • Food insecurity • Crop blight • Dependence on imported energy • Energy price shocks • Supply disruptions • Informal employment • Job insecurity • Poor land management • Monocultures • Rural underdevelop ment • Geographic location • Unplanned urbanization • Weak infrastructure • Force displacement to create room for energy infrastructure • Large monoculture farms leading to increased vulnearbility • Remittances improve energy affordability • Bioenergy: Guatemala (90%) and Honduras (72%) of RE from bioenergy (2019) Hazards / Risk Drivers Climate Change, extreme events, droughts, floods rising sea temp, coral bleaching, shifts in rainfall, wind, temp, and evapotranspiration • Unreliable energy economic losses affected livelihoods • Migration from rural areas reduce energy demand • Lack of reliable energy poor food storage and transportation supply chain disruption • Lack of energy access low crop yields • Remittances improve food security • Loss of agricultural labor force • Increased reliance on food imports Food Energy Human mobility • Weak public institutions • Corruption • Crime, violence, gang activity • Lack of transparency • Economic and social instability • Land tenure system • Gender inequality, discrimination • Poverty • Environmental degradation • Limited access basic services including health, education and social protection Underlying Conditions Vulnerabilities Vulnerabilities reduced crop production

Disaster risks, vulnerabilities, and underlying conditions affecting interconnected food, energy, and human mobility in the Northern countries of Central America

To address these complex challenges, the consultation underscored the importance of reducing inequalities, investing in education, and strengthening community resilience. Participants shared examples of successful initiatives, such as those focused on incorporating displaced populations into community planning and promoting regenerative agriculture. 

This collaborative process was instrumental in refining the research framework and identifying key areas for intervention. By bringing together diverse perspectives, the researchers were able to develop a more nuanced understanding of the region’s challenges and opportunities.

The white paper’s findings have already generated significant interest among policymakers, humanitarian organizations, and development agencies. It is anticipated that this research will contribute to the development of effective disaster risk reduction strategies and inform future investments in the region’s energy, food, and social sectors.

Build an enabling environment for cross sectoral cooperation and integrated planning approaches Increase investments and financing for integrated projects addressing underlying root causes, linking disaster reduction and development Mainstream System-level Informed Disaster Risk Reduction in Development Planning Address human mobility caused by the regions vulnerability to extreme weather events and underlying conditions Prospective intervention areas for Disaster Risk Reduction

Daher’s and Pappas’ work exemplifies the power of interdisciplinary collaboration and the importance of a systems approach in addressing complex global challenges. Their commitment to understanding and addressing the root causes of vulnerability is inspiring, and their research offers hope for a more resilient and equitable future for the people of Central America.