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Supporting Sustainable Energy Solutions in Greece

Dr. Konstantinos Pappas, an Associate Director at the Texas A&M Energy Institute, recently returned from a productive trip to Northern Greece, where he participated in a Partnership Opportunity Delegation (POD), led by the U.S. Department of State.

Energy Institute Leading EPIXC Project to Electrify High-Temperature Reactions

With funding from the United States Department of Energy, through the Electrified Processes for Industry without Carbon (EPIXC) Institute, Texas A&M researchers will conduct a two-year “jumpstart” project devoted to developing electrified heating technologies. When early humans learned to harness fire for heat around 400,000 years ago, it marked a monumental turning point in mankind’s […]

Energy Institute Partners with USA Center for Rural Public Health Preparedness

The Texas A&M Energy Institute and the Texas A&M Health School of Public Health USA Center for Rural Public Health Preparedness signed a formal agreement on September 10, 2024 at the Texas A&M Energy Institute to build collaborative, complementary, and novel efforts in relevant research, education, and training. The USA Center for Rural Public Health […]

Texas A&M Energy Institute Joins $26 Million Initiative to Revolutionize Carbon Utilization

Researchers from Texas A&M University and the Texas A&M Energy Institute are playing a leading role in a groundbreaking initiative that seeks to revolutionize U.S. manufacturing toward zero or negative emissions.  Texas A&M and other top-tier institutions are part of a $26 million decarbonization effort led by Washington University in St. Louis, Mo. Funded by the National […]

TEX-E: Nurturing Entrepreneurs for a Sustainable Future

Thirteen Texas A&M University students were selected as TEX-E Fellows for the Class of 2024-’25 to explore the critical importance of global energy transition, delve into the pillars of entrepreneurship, and witness firsthand how Houston is poised to become a global hub for energy innovation. Texas partnership universities attract an innovative talent pool to the Houston region, known as the energy capital of the world for its leadership in the energy transition.